{ Raspberry Pi LPC1114 I/O Processor Expansion Board SPI Agent Firmware } { loopback test program } { Copyright (C)2014-2018, Philip Munts, President, Munts AM Corp. } { } { Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without } { modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: } { } { * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, } { this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. } { } { THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" } { AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE } { IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE } { ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE } { LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR } { CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF } { SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS } { INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN } { CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) } { ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE } { POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. } PROGRAM spi_agent_test(input, output); USES strings, sysutils, dateutils, spi_agent_commands, spi_agent_messages, spi_agent_pins, spi_agent_transport; CONST DEFAULTSERVER = 'localhost'; DEFAULTITERATIONS = 50000; VAR servername : pchar; iterations : integer; error : integer; cmd : SPIAGENT_COMMAND_MSG_t; resp : SPIAGENT_RESPONSE_MSG_t; starttime : TDateTime; i : integer; endtime : TDateTime; deltat : double; rate : double; cycletime : double; BEGIN writeln; writeln('Raspberry Pi LPC1114 I/O Processor Expansion Board SPI Agent Firmware Test'); writeln; { Analyze command line parameters } CASE system.argc OF 1 : BEGIN servername := DEFAULTSERVER; iterations := DEFAULTITERATIONS; END; 2 : BEGIN servername := argv[1]; iterations := DEFAULTITERATIONS; END; 3 : BEGIN servername := argv[1]; iterations := StrToInt(argv[2]); END; ELSE writeln('Usage: ', system.argv[0], ' [hostname] [iterations]'); writeln; halt(1); END; { Initialize the SPI Agent Firmware transport library } spiagent_open(servername, error); IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_open() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(2); END; writeln('Issuing some SPI transactions...'); writeln; { Issue NOP command to the SPI Agent Firmware } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_NOP); cmd.pin := 0; cmd.data := 0; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(3); END; { Display results } writeln('Response: command:', resp.command, ' pin:', resp.pin, ' data:', resp.data, ' error:', resp.error); { Issue loopback command to the SPI Agent Firmware } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_LOOPBACK); cmd.pin := 2; cmd.data := 3; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(4); END; { Display results } writeln('Response: command:', resp.command, ' pin:', resp.pin, ' data:', resp.data, ' error:', resp.error); { Issue command with illegal pin number to the SPI Agent Firmware } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_GET_GPIO); cmd.pin := 99; cmd.data := 3; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(5); END; { Display results } writeln('Response: command:', resp.command, ' pin:', resp.pin, ' data:', resp.data, ' error:', resp.error); { Issue illegal command to the SPI Agent Firmware } cmd.command := 99; cmd.pin := 2; cmd.data := 3; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(6); END; { Display results } writeln('Response: command:', resp.command, ' pin:', resp.pin, ' data:', resp.data, ' error:', resp.error); writeln; { Query the LPC1114 firmware version } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_NOP); cmd.pin := 0; cmd.data := 0; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(7); END; IF resp.error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: SPI Agent Firmware returned error ', resp.error); writeln; halt(8); END; { Display results } writeln('The LPC1114 firmware version is ', resp.data); { Query the LPC1114 device ID } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_GET_SFR); cmd.pin := $400483F4; cmd.data := 0; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(9); END; IF resp.error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: SPI Agent Firmware returned error ', resp.error); writeln; halt(10); END; { Display results } writeln('The LPC1114 device ID is ', IntToHex(resp.data, 8)); { Query the expansion board LED state } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_GET_GPIO); cmd.pin := integer(LPC1114_LED); cmd.data := 0; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(11); END; IF resp.error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: SPI Agent Firmware returned error ', resp.error); writeln; halt(12); END; { Display results } IF resp.data = 0 THEN writeln('The expansion board LED is OFF') ELSE writeln('The expansion board LED is ON'); writeln; { Perform SPI loopback commands as fast as possible to stress test the SPI } { interface } writeln('Starting ', iterations, ' SPI agent loopback test transactions...'); starttime := TimeOf(Now); FOR i := 1 to iterations DO BEGIN { Issue loopback command to the SPI Agent Firmware } cmd.command := integer(SPIAGENT_CMD_LOOPBACK); cmd.pin := i*17; cmd.data := i*19; spiagent_command(cmd, resp, error); { Process errors } IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_command() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(13); END; { Check for loopback error } IF (resp.command <> cmd.command) OR (resp.pin <> cmd.pin) OR (resp.data <> cmd.data) OR (resp.error <> 0) THEN writeln('Iteration: ', i, ' Response: command:', resp.command, ' pin:', resp.pin, ' data:', resp.data, ' error:', resp.error); END; endtime := TimeOf(Now); { Display statistics } deltat := SecondSpan(starttime, endtime); rate := i/deltat; cycletime := deltat/i; writeln; writeln('Performed ', iterations, ' loopback tests in ', deltat : 1 : 1, ' seconds'); writeln(' ', rate : 1 : 1, ' iterations per second'); writeln(' ', cycletime*1E6 : 1 : 1, ' microseconds per iteration'); writeln; { Deinitialize the SPI Agent transport library } spiagent_close(error); IF error <> 0 THEN BEGIN writeln('ERROR: spiagent_close() failed, error=', error); writeln; halt(14); END; END.