-- Ada Web Server --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2003-2017, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be --
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are --
-- granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library --
-- Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
Page '" & URI & "' Not found."); end if; end if; end; end if; end Callback; ------------ -- Delete -- ------------ function Delete (Request : Status.Data) return Response.Data is WM_Session : constant Session.Id := Status.Session (Request); P_List : constant Parameters.List := Status.Parameters (Request); No_Message : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Parameters.Get (P_List, "NO_MESSAGE")); Context : Context_Data; Mailbox : POP.Mailbox; begin Load_Context (WM_Session, Context); Mailbox := POP.Initialize (-Context.POP_Host, -Context.User_Name, -Context.Password, Port => Context.POP_Server_Port); POP.Delete (Mailbox, No_Message); POP.Close (Mailbox); return Response.URL ("/wm_summary"); end Delete; ------------------ -- Load_Context -- ------------------ procedure Load_Context (SID : Session.Id; Context : out Context_Data) is POP_Server : constant String := Session.Get (SID, "WM_POP_SERVER"); POP_K : constant Natural := Strings.Fixed.Index (POP_Server, ":"); SMTP_Server : constant String := Session.Get (SID, "WM_SMTP_SERVER"); SMTP_K : constant Natural := Strings.Fixed.Index (SMTP_Server, ":"); begin Context.User_Name := +Session.Get (SID, "WM_USER_NAME"); Context.Password := +Session.Get (SID, "WM_PASSWORD"); Context.POP_Server := +POP_Server; Context.SMTP_Server := +SMTP_Server; -- POP if POP_K = 0 then -- No port specifier for the POP server Context.POP_Host := +POP_Server; Context.POP_Server_Port := POP.Default_POP_Port; else Context.POP_Host := +POP_Server (POP_Server'First .. POP_K - 1); Context.POP_Server_Port := Positive'Value (POP_Server (POP_K + 1 .. POP_Server'Last)); end if; -- SMTP if SMTP_K = 0 then -- No port specifier for the POP server Context.SMTP_Host := +SMTP_Server; Context.SMTP_Server_Port := SMTP.Default_SMTP_Port; else Context.SMTP_Host := +SMTP_Server (SMTP_Server'First .. SMTP_K - 1); Context.SMTP_Server_Port := Positive'Value (SMTP_Server (SMTP_K + 1 .. SMTP_Server'Last)); end if; end Load_Context; ----------- -- Login -- ----------- function Login (Request : Status.Data) return Response.Data is WM_Session : constant Session.Id := Status.Session (Request); P_List : constant Parameters.List := Status.Parameters (Request); begin Session.Set (WM_Session, "WM_SMTP_SERVER", Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_SMTP_SERVER")); Session.Set (WM_Session, "WM_POP_SERVER", Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_POP_SERVER")); Session.Set (WM_Session, "WM_USER_NAME", Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_USER_NAME")); Session.Set (WM_Session, "WM_PASSWORD", Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_PASSWORD")); return Response.URL ("/wm_summary"); end Login; ------------- -- Message -- ------------- function Message (Request : Status.Data) return Response.Data is WWW_Root : String renames Config.WWW_Root (Config.Get_Current); WM_Session : constant Session.Id := Status.Session (Request); P_List : constant Parameters.List := Status.Parameters (Request); No_Message : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Parameters.Get (P_List, "NO_MESSAGE")); Context : Context_Data; Mailbox : POP.Mailbox; Mess : POP.Message; function Get_Content return Templates.Translate_Set; -- Returns content and attachments ----------------- -- Get_Content -- ----------------- function Get_Content return Templates.Translate_Set is Content : Unbounded_String; Att_Name : Templates.Vector_Tag; Att_Ref : Templates.Vector_Tag; procedure Add_Attachment (Attachment : POP.Attachment; Index : Positive; Quit : in out Boolean); -- Add new attachment data -------------------- -- Add_Attachment -- -------------------- procedure Add_Attachment (Attachment : POP.Attachment; Index : Positive; Quit : in out Boolean) is pragma Unreferenced (Index, Quit); use type Templates.Vector_Tag; begin if POP.Is_File (Attachment) then declare Filename : constant String := POP.Filename (Attachment); URI : constant String := Services.Transient_Pages.Get_URI & "/" & Filename; -- We add the filename after the uniq URI to tell the -- browser to use this name to save the file on disk. begin -- Add a reference to the attachment into the message body Append (Content, ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF); Append (Content, "<" & Filename & ">"); -- Add attachment data Att_Name := Att_Name & Filename; Att_Ref := Att_Ref & URI; Services.Transient_Pages.Register (URI, POP.Content (Attachment), Lifetime => 120.0); end; else Append (Content, ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF); Append (Content, Unbounded_String'(POP.Content (Attachment))); end if; end Add_Attachment; --------------------------- -- Add_Every_Attachments -- --------------------------- procedure Add_Every_Attachment is new POP.For_Every_Attachment (Add_Attachment); T : Templates.Translate_Set; begin -- Add the message content Content := POP.Content (Mess); -- Analyse all attachments Add_Every_Attachment (Mess); -- Returns the corresponding translate set Templates.Insert (T, Templates.Assoc ("WM_CONTENT", Content)); Templates.Insert (T, Templates.Assoc ("WM_ATT_NAME_V", Att_Name)); Templates.Insert (T, Templates.Assoc ("WM_ATT_REF_V", Att_Ref)); return T; end Get_Content; use Templates; T : Translate_Set; begin Load_Context (WM_Session, Context); Mailbox := POP.Initialize (-Context.POP_Server, -Context.User_Name, -Context.Password, Port => Context.POP_Server_Port); Mess := POP.Get (Mailbox, No_Message); POP.Close (Mailbox); Insert (T, Assoc ("AWS_VERSION", AWS.Version)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_USER_NAME", Context.User_Name)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_POP_SERVER", Context.POP_Server)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MESS_COUNT", POP.Message_Count (Mailbox))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MESSAGE", No_Message)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_SUBJECT", POP.Subject (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_DATE", POP.Date (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_FROM", POP.From (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_CC", POP.CC (Mess))); Insert (T, Get_Content); return Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, Unbounded_String' (Templates.Parse (WWW_Root & "/wm_message.thtml", T))); end Message; ----------- -- Reply -- ----------- function Reply (Request : Status.Data; To_All : Boolean) return Response.Data is WWW_Root : String renames Config.WWW_Root (Config.Get_Current); WM_Session : constant Session.Id := Status.Session (Request); P_List : constant Parameters.List := Status.Parameters (Request); No_Message : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Parameters.Get (P_List, "NO_MESSAGE")); Context : Context_Data; Mailbox : POP.Mailbox; Mess : POP.Message; function Get_Content return Templates.Association; -- Returns content, all lines being prefixed ----------------- -- Get_Content -- ----------------- function Get_Content return Templates.Association is Prefix : constant String := "> "; Content : Unbounded_String; K : Positive := Prefix'Length + 1; begin -- Get message content Content := POP.Content (Mess); -- Prefix first line with "> " Content := Prefix & Content; -- Prefix every lines with "> " while K < Length (Content) loop if Element (Content, K) = ASCII.LF then Insert (Content, K + 1, Prefix); end if; K := K + 1; end loop; return Templates.Assoc ("WM_CONTENT", Content); end Get_Content; use Templates; T : Translate_Set; begin Load_Context (WM_Session, Context); Mailbox := POP.Initialize (-Context.POP_Host, -Context.User_Name, -Context.Password, Port => Context.POP_Server_Port); Mess := POP.Get (Mailbox, No_Message); POP.Close (Mailbox); Insert (T, Assoc ("AWS_VERSION", AWS.Version)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_USER_NAME", -Context.User_Name)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_SMTP_SERVER", -Context.SMTP_Server)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_POP_SERVER", -Context.POP_Server)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MESS_COUNT", POP.Message_Count (Mailbox))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MESSAGE", No_Message)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_SUBJECT", POP.Subject (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_DATE", POP.Date (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_FROM", POP.From (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_CC", POP.CC (Mess))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_TO_ALL", To_All)); Insert (T, Get_Content); return Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, Unbounded_String' (Templates.Parse (WWW_Root & "/wm_reply.thtml", T))); end Reply; ---------- -- Send -- ---------- function Send (Request : Status.Data) return Response.Data is WWW_Root : String renames Config.WWW_Root (Config.Get_Current); WM_Session : constant Session.Id := Status.Session (Request); P_List : constant Parameters.List := Status.Parameters (Request); function Get_From return SMTP.E_Mail_Data; -- Build the From e-mail Context : Context_Data; -------------- -- Get_From -- -------------- function Get_From return SMTP.E_Mail_Data is POP_Host : constant String := -Context.POP_Host; K : constant Natural := Strings.Fixed.Index (POP_Host, "."); E_Mail : Unbounded_String; begin if K = 0 then -- No domain specified, this is a local machine E_Mail := Context.User_Name & '@' & POP_Host; else -- Get the domain name after the first dot E_Mail := Context.User_Name & '@' & POP_Host (K + 1 .. POP_Host'Last); end if; return SMTP.E_Mail (To_String (E_Mail), To_String (E_Mail)); end Get_From; WM_SMTP : SMTP.Receiver; Result : SMTP.Status; use type Templates.Translate_Set; begin Load_Context (WM_Session, Context); WM_SMTP := SMTP.Client.Initialize (-Context.SMTP_Host, Port => Context.SMTP_Server_Port); SMTP.Client.Send (WM_SMTP, From => Get_From, To => SMTP.Parse (Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_TO")), Subject => Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_SUBJECT"), Message => Parameters.Get (P_List, "WM_CONTENT"), Status => Result); if SMTP.Is_Ok (Result) then return Response.URL ("/wm_summary"); else return Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, String' (Templates.Parse (WWW_Root & "/wm_error.thtml", +Templates.Assoc ("ERROR_MESSAGE", SMTP.Status_Message (Result))))); end if; exception when Constraint_Error => return Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, String' (Templates.Parse (WWW_Root & "/wm_error.thtml", +Templates.Assoc ("ERROR_MESSAGE", "Can't parse e-mail")))); end Send; ------------- -- Summary -- ------------- function Summary (Request : Status.Data) return Response.Data is WWW_Root : String renames Config.WWW_Root (Config.Get_Current); WM_Session : constant Session.Id := Status.Session (Request); procedure Add_Message (Message : POP.Message; Index : Positive; Quit : in out Boolean); -- Add message information into the vertor tags Index_V : Templates.Vector_Tag; Size_V : Templates.Vector_Tag; Date_V : Templates.Vector_Tag; From_V : Templates.Vector_Tag; Subject_V : Templates.Vector_Tag; ----------------- -- Add_Message -- ----------------- procedure Add_Message (Message : POP.Message; Index : Positive; Quit : in out Boolean) is pragma Unreferenced (Quit); use type Templates.Vector_Tag; begin Index_V := Utils.Image (Index) & Index_V; Size_V := POP.Size (Message) & Size_V; Date_V := POP.Date (Message) & Date_V; From_V := POP.From (Message) & From_V; Subject_V := POP.Subject (Message) & Subject_V; end Add_Message; ------------------------- -- Add_Message_Headers -- ------------------------- procedure Add_Message_Headers is new POP.For_Every_Message_Header (Add_Message); Context : Context_Data; Mailbox : POP.Mailbox; use Templates; T : Translate_Set; begin Load_Context (WM_Session, Context); Mailbox := POP.Initialize (-Context.POP_Host, -Context.User_Name, -Context.Password, Port => Context.POP_Server_Port); Add_Message_Headers (Mailbox); POP.Close (Mailbox); Insert (T, Assoc ("AWS_VERSION", AWS.Version)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MESS_COUNT", POP.Message_Count (Mailbox))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MAILBOX_SIZE", POP.Size (Mailbox))); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_MESSAGE_V", Index_V)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_SIZE_V", Size_V)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_FROM_V", From_V)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_DATE_V", Date_V)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_SUBJECT_V", Subject_V)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_USER_NAME", Context.User_Name)); Insert (T, Assoc ("WM_POP_SERVER", Context.POP_Server)); return Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, Unbounded_String' (Templates.Parse (WWW_Root & "/wm_summary.thtml", T))); end Summary; end AWS.Services.Web_Mail;