------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ada Web Server -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2019, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- -- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- -- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any -- -- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be -- -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are -- -- granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library -- -- Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2012; with Ada.Streams; with Ada.Tags; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with AWS.Config.Set; with AWS.Dispatchers.Callback; with AWS.Messages; with AWS.MIME; with AWS.Net.WebSocket.Registry.Control; with AWS.Server.HTTP_Utils; with AWS.Server.Log; with AWS.Services.Transient_Pages.Control; with AWS.Session.Control; with AWS.Status.Translate_Set; with AWS.Templates; package body AWS.Server is use type Net.Socket_Access; procedure Start (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Dispatcher : Dispatchers.Handler'Class); -- Start web server with current configuration procedure Protocol_Handler (LA : in out Line_Attribute_Record); -- Handle the lines, this is where all the HTTP protocol is defined function Accept_Socket_Serialized (Server : not null access HTTP) return not null access Net.Socket_Type'Class; -- Do a protected accept on the HTTP socket. It is not safe to call -- multiple accept on the same socket on some platforms. procedure Force_Clean (Web_Server : in out HTTP); -- Close a socket on a slot for which a force timeout has expired Server_Counter : Utils.Counter (Initial_Value => 0); ------------------------------ -- Accept_Socket_Serialized -- ------------------------------ function Accept_Socket_Serialized (Server : not null access HTTP) return not null access Net.Socket_Type'Class is use type Ada.Tags.Tag; New_Socket : Net.Socket_Access; procedure Accept_Error (E : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence); ------------------ -- Accept_Error -- ------------------ procedure Accept_Error (E : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence) is begin AWS.Log.Write (Server.Error_Log, "Accept error " & Utils.CRLF_2_Spaces (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E))); Force_Clean (Server.all); end Accept_Error; begin Net.Acceptors.Get (Server.Acceptor, New_Socket, Accept_Error'Access); if CNF.Security (Server.Properties) and then New_Socket'Tag /= Net.SSL.Socket_Type'Tag then declare SSL_Socket : Net.Socket_Access; begin SSL_Socket := new Net.SSL.Socket_Type' (Net.SSL.Secure_Server (New_Socket.all, Server.SSL_Config)); Net.Free (New_Socket); return SSL_Socket; exception when others => Net.Shutdown (New_Socket.all); Net.Free (New_Socket); raise; end; else return New_Socket; end if; end Accept_Socket_Serialized; ------------------- -- Add_Listening -- ------------------- procedure Add_Listening (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Host : String; Port : Natural; Family : Net.Family_Type := Net.Family_Unspec; Reuse_Address : Boolean := False; IPv6_Only : Boolean := False) is begin Net.Acceptors.Add_Listening (Web_Server.Acceptor, Host, Port, Family, IPv6_Only => IPv6_Only, Reuse_Address => Reuse_Address); end Add_Listening; ------------ -- Config -- ------------ function Config (Web_Server : HTTP) return AWS.Config.Object is begin return Web_Server.Properties; end Config; ------------------------------------------ -- Default_Unexpected_Exception_Handler -- ------------------------------------------ procedure Default_Unexpected_Exception_Handler (E : Exception_Occurrence; Log : in out AWS.Log.Object; Error : Exceptions.Data; Answer : in out Response.Data) is pragma Unreferenced (Log); use type Templates.Translate_Set; Fatal_Error_Template : constant String := "500.tmplt"; begin if Error.Fatal then Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Current_Error, "Fatal error, slot" & Positive'Image (Error.Slot) & " is dead now."); Text_IO.New_Line (Text_IO.Current_Error); Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Current_Error, Exception_Information (E)); else if Utils.Is_Regular_File (Fatal_Error_Template) then Answer := Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, String'(Templates.Parse (Fatal_Error_Template, Status.Translate_Set (Error.Request) & Templates.Assoc ("EXCEPTION", Exception_Information (E)))), Messages.S500); else Answer := Response.Build (MIME.Text_HTML, "Internal Server Error.
" & "Please, send the following information to the Web " & "Master, thanks.

" & "
" & Exception_Information (E) & "
" & "

", Messages.S500); end if; end if; end Default_Unexpected_Exception_Handler; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Web_Server : in out HTTP) is begin Shutdown (Web_Server); end Finalize; ----------------- -- Force_Clean -- ----------------- procedure Force_Clean (Web_Server : in out HTTP) is Socket : Socket_Access; Slot : Positive := Line_Attribute.Reference.Line; -- Initialize the slot by the current slot number to avoid current slot -- abortion. begin Web_Server.Slots.Abort_On_Timeout (Socket, Slot); if Socket /= null then Net.Shutdown (Socket.all); Web_Server.Slots.Shutdown_Done (Slot); end if; end Force_Clean; ----------------- -- Get_Current -- ----------------- function Get_Current return not null access HTTP is begin return Line_Attribute.Reference.Server; end Get_Current; ---------------------- -- Get_Message_Body -- ---------------------- procedure Get_Message_Body is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; TA : constant Line_Attribute.Attribute_Handle := Line_Attribute.Reference; begin if not Status.Is_Body_Uploaded (TA.Stat) and then (Status.Content_Length (TA.Stat) > 0 or else Status.Transfer_Encoding (TA.Stat) = "chunked") then HTTP_Utils.Get_Message_Data (TA.Server.all, TA.Line, TA.Stat, TA.Expect_100); end if; end Get_Message_Body; ---------------- -- Get_Status -- ---------------- function Get_Status return Status.Data is begin return Line_Attribute.Reference.Stat; end Get_Status; ---------------------- -- Give_Back_Socket -- ---------------------- procedure Give_Back_Socket (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Socket : not null access Net.Socket_Type'Class) is begin Net.Acceptors.Give_Back (Web_Server.Acceptor, Socket); end Give_Back_Socket; procedure Give_Back_Socket (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class) is S : constant not null Net.Socket_Access := new Net.Socket_Type'Class'(Socket); begin Give_Back_Socket (Web_Server, S); end Give_Back_Socket; ---------- -- Line -- ---------- task body Line is TA : constant Line_Attribute.Attribute_Handle := Line_Attribute.Reference; begin select accept Start (Server : HTTP; Index : Positive) do TA.Server := Server.Self; TA.Line := Index; end Start; or terminate; end select; -- Real job start here, we will exit only if there is an unrecoverable -- problem. while not TA.Server.Shutdown loop declare -- Wait for an incoming connection. Each call for the same server -- is serialized as some platforms do not handle properly -- multiple accepts on the same socket. Socket : Net.Socket_Access := Accept_Socket_Serialized (TA.Server); Need_Shutdown : Boolean; begin if CNF.Send_Buffer_Size (TA.Server.Config) /= 0 then Net.Set_Send_Buffer_Size (Socket.all, CNF.Send_Buffer_Size (TA.Server.Config)); end if; Net.Set_No_Delay (Socket.all, CNF.TCP_No_Delay (TA.Server.Config)); TA.Server.Slots.Set (Socket, TA.Line); Protocol_Handler (TA.all); TA.Server.Slots.Release (TA.Line, Need_Shutdown); if Need_Shutdown then Socket.Shutdown; -- Don't use Socket.Free, it does not deallocate Socket Net.Free (Socket); end if; end; end loop; exception when E : others => if not TA.Server.Shutdown then declare S : Status.Data with Warnings => Off; Answer : Response.Data; begin AWS.Log.Write (TA.Server.Error_Log, "Dead slot " & Utils.Image (TA.Line) & ' ' & Utils.CRLF_2_Spaces (Exception_Information (E))); TA.Server.Exception_Handler (E, TA.Server.Error_Log, (True, TA.Line, S), Answer); end; end if; end Line; ---------------- -- Line_Tasks -- ---------------- function Line_Tasks (Web_Server : HTTP) return Task_Id_Array is Result : Task_Id_Array (Web_Server.Lines'Range); begin for J in Result'Range loop Result (J) := Web_Server.Lines (J)'Identity; end loop; return Result; end Line_Tasks; -------------------------- -- Session_Private_Name -- -------------------------- function Session_Private_Name return String is begin return CNF.Session_Private_Name (Server.Get_Current.Config); end Session_Private_Name; ---------------------- -- Protocol_Handler -- ---------------------- procedure Protocol_Handler (LA : in out Line_Attribute_Record) is separate; ------------------ -- Session_Name -- ------------------ function Session_Name return String is begin return CNF.Session_Name (Server.Get_Current.Config); end Session_Name; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Dispatcher : Dispatchers.Handler'Class) is begin Dispatchers.Free (Web_Server.New_Dispatcher); Web_Server.New_Dispatcher := new Dispatchers.Handler'Class' (Dispatchers.Handler'Class (Dispatcher.Clone)); end Set; --------------- -- Set_Field -- --------------- procedure Set_Field (Id, Value : String) is Task_Ptr : constant Line_Attribute.Attribute_Handle := Line_Attribute.Reference; begin AWS.Log.Set_Field (Task_Ptr.Server.Log, Task_Ptr.Log_Data, Id, Value); end Set_Field; ------------------ -- Set_Security -- ------------------ procedure Set_Security (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Certificate_Filename : String; Security_Mode : Net.SSL.Method := Net.SSL.TLS_Server; Key_Filename : String := "") is begin CNF.Set.Certificate (Web_Server.Properties, Certificate_Filename); if Key_Filename = "" then CNF.Set.Key (Web_Server.Properties, Certificate_Filename); else CNF.Set.Key (Web_Server.Properties, Key_Filename); end if; CNF.Set.Security_Mode (Web_Server.Properties, Net.SSL.Method'Image (Security_Mode)); end Set_Security; ---------------------------- -- Set_Socket_Constructor -- ---------------------------- procedure Set_Socket_Constructor (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Socket_Constructor : Net.Socket_Constructor) is begin Net.Acceptors.Set_Socket_Constructor (Web_Server.Acceptor, Socket_Constructor); end Set_Socket_Constructor; -------------------- -- Set_SSL_Config -- -------------------- procedure Set_SSL_Config (Web_Server : in out HTTP; SSL_Config : Net.SSL.Config) is begin Web_Server.SSL_Config := SSL_Config; end Set_SSL_Config; -------------------------------------- -- Set_Unexpected_Exception_Handler -- -------------------------------------- procedure Set_Unexpected_Exception_Handler (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Handler : Exceptions.Unexpected_Exception_Handler) is begin if Web_Server.Shutdown then Web_Server.Exception_Handler := Handler; else raise Constraint_Error with "Could not change exception handler on the active server."; end if; end Set_Unexpected_Exception_Handler; -------------- -- Shutdown -- -------------- procedure Shutdown (Web_Server : in out HTTP) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Line_Set, Line_Set_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Slots, Slots_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Line, Line_Access); All_Lines_Terminated : Boolean := False; Slot_State : Slot_Phase := Closed; Slot_Index : Positive := Positive'Last; Wait_Counter : Natural := 0; begin if Web_Server.Shutdown then return; end if; -- Set the current server status to shutdown. This will ensure than no -- request will be accepted anymore. All current lines on the -- Accept_Socket_Serialized queue will return. This leaves a single -- line to handle. See below. Web_Server.Shutdown := True; -- In the queue, waiting for a connection we have a single line waiting. -- We need to unlock this line properly. Closing the server socket -- directly is not possible as this line could be waiting on the routine -- Accept_Socket or poll (see Wait_For implementation). On some OS (AIX -- for example), trying to close a sockets waiting on a select/poll -- will lock until the select/poll return or timeout. So the server -- termination is a bit tricky and requires some attention. -- Net.Acceptors doing shutdown in the accepting task, -- Net.Acceptors.Shutdown only sending command into task where the -- waiting for accept is. Net.Acceptors.Shutdown (Web_Server.Acceptor); -- Release the slots for S in 1 .. Web_Server.Slots.N loop declare Socket : Socket_Access; begin Web_Server.Slots.Get_For_Shutdown (S, Socket); if Socket /= null then Net.Shutdown (Socket.all); Web_Server.Slots.Shutdown_Done (S); end if; exception when others => Web_Server.Slots.Shutdown_Done (S); raise; end; end loop; -- Wait for all lines to be terminated to be able to release associated -- memory. while not All_Lines_Terminated loop All_Lines_Terminated := True; for K in Web_Server.Lines'Range loop if not Web_Server.Lines (K)'Terminated then All_Lines_Terminated := False; Slot_Index := K; Slot_State := Web_Server.Slots.Get (K).Phase; end if; end loop; delay 0.5; Wait_Counter := Wait_Counter + 1; if Wait_Counter > 30 then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Text_IO.Current_Error, "Can't terminate all lines. Slot" & Positive'Image (Slot_Index) & " in " & Slot_State'Img & " state."); exit; end if; end loop; -- Release lines and slots memory for K in Web_Server.Lines'Range loop Unchecked_Free (Web_Server.Lines (K)); end loop; Unchecked_Free (Web_Server.Lines); Unchecked_Free (Web_Server.Slots); Dispatchers.Free (Web_Server.Dispatcher); -- Release the session server if needed if CNF.Session (Web_Server.Properties) then Session.Control.Shutdown; end if; Services.Transient_Pages.Control.Shutdown; Net.WebSocket.Registry.Control.Shutdown; if CNF.Security (Web_Server.Properties) then Net.SSL.Release (Web_Server.SSL_Config); end if; -- Close logs, this ensure that all data will be written to the file Log.Stop (Web_Server); Log.Stop_Error (Web_Server); -- Server removed Server_Counter.Decrement (Value => Wait_Counter); if Wait_Counter = 0 then No_Servers.all; end if; end Shutdown; --------------------- -- Skip_Log_Record -- --------------------- procedure Skip_Log_Record is begin Line_Attribute.Reference.Skip_Log := True; end Skip_Log_Record; ----------- -- Slots -- ----------- protected body Slots is ---------------------- -- Abort_On_Timeout -- ---------------------- procedure Abort_On_Timeout (Socket : out Socket_Access; Index : in out Positive) is use Ada.Calendar; Now : constant Time := Clock; function Test_Slot (S : Positive) return Boolean; --------------- -- Test_Slot -- --------------- function Test_Slot (S : Positive) return Boolean is begin if Is_Abortable (S) then Get_For_Shutdown (S, Socket); if Socket /= null then Index := S; return True; end if; end if; return False; end Test_Slot; begin Socket := null; if Now - Last_Force < 0.5 then -- Look for force timeout not faster than two times in a second return; end if; Last_Force := Now; for S in Index + 1 .. Table'Last loop if Test_Slot (S) then return; end if; end loop; for S in Table'First .. Index - 1 loop if Test_Slot (S) then return; end if; end loop; end Abort_On_Timeout; ------------------------ -- Check_Data_Timeout -- ------------------------ procedure Check_Data_Timeout (Index : Positive) is use Ada.Real_Time; begin if Clock - Table (Index).Phase_Time_Stamp > To_Time_Span (Timeouts (Cleaner, Table (Index).Phase)) then raise Net.Socket_Error; end if; end Check_Data_Timeout; ---------------- -- Free_Slots -- ---------------- function Free_Slots return Natural is begin return Count; end Free_Slots; --------- -- Get -- --------- function Get (Index : Positive) return Slot is begin return Table (Index); end Get; ---------------------- -- Get_For_Shutdown -- ---------------------- procedure Get_For_Shutdown (Index : Positive; Socket : out Socket_Access) is begin if Table (Index).Phase not in Closed .. Aborted then Socket := Table (Index).Sock; if Socket = null then Mark_Phase (Index, Aborted); else Mark_Phase (Index, In_Shutdown); Shutdown_Count := Shutdown_Count + 1; end if; else Socket := null; end if; end Get_For_Shutdown; ------------------ -- Get_Peername -- ------------------ function Get_Peername (Index : Positive) return String is Socket : constant Socket_Access := Table (Index).Sock; begin if Socket = null then return ""; else return Net.Peer_Addr (Socket.all); end if; end Get_Peername; --------------------- -- Get_Socket_Info -- --------------------- function Get_Socket_Info (Index : Positive) return Socket_Data is Socket : constant Socket_Access := Table (Index).Sock; begin if Socket = null then return Socket_Data' (Peername_Length => 1, Peername => "-", FD => 0); else declare Peername : constant String := Net.Peer_Addr (Socket.all); begin return Socket_Data' (Peername_Length => Peername'Length, Peername => Peername, FD => Net.Get_FD (Socket.all)); end; end if; end Get_Socket_Info; ------------------------------------- -- Increment_Slot_Activity_Counter -- ------------------------------------- procedure Increment_Slot_Activity_Counter (Index : Positive; Free_Slots : out Natural) is begin Table (Index).Slot_Activity_Counter := Table (Index).Slot_Activity_Counter + 1; Table (Index).Alive_Counter := Table (Index).Alive_Counter + 1; Free_Slots := Count; end Increment_Slot_Activity_Counter; ------------------ -- Is_Abortable -- ------------------ function Is_Abortable (Index : Positive) return Boolean is use Real_Time; Phase : constant Slot_Phase := Table (Index).Phase; begin return Phase in Abortable_Phase and then Clock - Table (Index).Phase_Time_Stamp > To_Time_Span (Timeouts (Force, Phase)); end Is_Abortable; ---------------- -- Mark_Phase -- ---------------- procedure Mark_Phase (Index : Positive; Phase : Slot_Phase) is Mode : constant array (Boolean) of Timeout_Mode := (True => Force, False => Cleaner); begin -- Check if the Aborted phase happen after socket operation -- and before Mark_Phase call. if Table (Index).Phase in In_Shutdown .. Aborted and then Phase in Wait_For_Client .. Server_Processing then raise Net.Socket_Error; end if; Table (Index).Phase_Time_Stamp := Real_Time.Clock; Table (Index).Phase := Phase; if Phase in Data_Phase then Net.Set_Timeout (Table (Index).Sock.all, Data_Timeouts (Phase)); elsif Phase in Abortable_Phase then Net.Set_Timeout (Table (Index).Sock.all, Timeouts (Mode (Count = 0), Phase)); end if; end Mark_Phase; ----------- -- Phase -- ----------- function Phase (Index : Positive) return Slot_Phase is begin return Table (Index).Phase; end Phase; ------------------ -- Prepare_Back -- ------------------ procedure Prepare_Back (Index : Positive; Possible : out Boolean) is begin Possible := not (Table (Index).Phase in In_Shutdown .. Aborted); if Possible then Mark_Phase (Index, Closed); Table (Index).Sock := null; end if; end Prepare_Back; ------------- -- Release -- ------------- entry Release (Index : Positive; Shutdown : out Boolean) when Shutdown_Count = 0 is begin pragma Assert (Count < N); -- No more release than it is possible pragma Assert ((Table (Index).Phase = Closed and then -- If phase is closed, then Sock must be null Table (Index).Sock = null) or else -- or phase is not closed Table (Index).Phase /= Closed); Count := Count + 1; Shutdown := False; if Table (Index).Phase /= Closed then if not Table (Index).Socket_Taken then if Table (Index).Phase /= Aborted then -- We have to shutdown socket only if it is not in state: -- In_Shutdow, Aborted or Closed. Shutdown := True; else Net.Free (Table (Index).Sock); end if; else Table (Index).Socket_Taken := False; end if; Mark_Phase (Index, Closed); Table (Index).Sock := null; end if; end Release; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (Socket : not null access Net.Socket_Type'Class; Index : Positive) is begin pragma Assert (Count > 0); Table (Index).Sock := Socket_Access (Socket); Table (Index).Alive_Counter := 0; Table (Index).Alive_Time_Stamp := Ada.Calendar.Clock; Table (Index).Activity_Counter := Table (Index).Activity_Counter + 1; Count := Count - 1; end Set; ------------------ -- Set_Timeouts -- ------------------ procedure Set_Timeouts (Phase_Timeouts : Timeouts_Array; Data_Timeouts : Data_Timeouts_Array) is begin Timeouts := Phase_Timeouts; Slots.Data_Timeouts := Set_Timeouts.Data_Timeouts; end Set_Timeouts; ------------------- -- Shutdown_Done -- ------------------- procedure Shutdown_Done (Index : Positive) is begin if Table (Index).Phase = In_Shutdown then Mark_Phase (Index, Aborted); Shutdown_Count := Shutdown_Count - 1; end if; end Shutdown_Done; ------------------ -- Socket_Taken -- ------------------ procedure Socket_Taken (Index : Positive) is begin Table (Index).Socket_Taken := True; Table (Index).Sock := null; end Socket_Taken; end Slots; ------------------ -- Socket_Taken -- ------------------ procedure Socket_Taken is TA : constant Line_Attribute.Attribute_Handle := Line_Attribute.Reference; begin TA.Server.Slots.Socket_Taken (TA.Line); end Socket_Taken; ---------------- -- SSL_Config -- ---------------- function SSL_Config (Web_Server : in out HTTP) return not null access Net.SSL.Config is begin return Web_Server.SSL_Config'Unchecked_Access; end SSL_Config; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Name : String; Callback : Response.Callback; Max_Connection : Positive := Default.Max_Connection; Admin_URI : String := Default.Admin_URI; Port : Natural := Default.Server_Port; Security : Boolean := False; Session : Boolean := False; Case_Sensitive_Parameters : Boolean := True; Upload_Directory : String := Default.Upload_Directory; Line_Stack_Size : Positive := Default.Line_Stack_Size) is begin CNF.Set.Server_Name (Web_Server.Properties, Name); CNF.Set.Admin_URI (Web_Server.Properties, Admin_URI); CNF.Set.Server_Port (Web_Server.Properties, Port); CNF.Set.Security (Web_Server.Properties, Security); CNF.Set.Session (Web_Server.Properties, Session); CNF.Set.Upload_Directory (Web_Server.Properties, Upload_Directory); CNF.Set.Max_Connection (Web_Server.Properties, Max_Connection); CNF.Set.Line_Stack_Size (Web_Server.Properties, Line_Stack_Size); CNF.Set.Case_Sensitive_Parameters (Web_Server.Properties, Case_Sensitive_Parameters); Start (Web_Server, Dispatchers.Callback.Create (Callback)); end Start; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Callback : Response.Callback; Config : AWS.Config.Object) is begin Web_Server.Properties := Config; Start (Web_Server, Dispatchers.Callback.Create (Callback)); end Start; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Dispatcher : Dispatchers.Handler'Class; Config : AWS.Config.Object) is begin Web_Server.Properties := Config; Start (Web_Server, Dispatcher); end Start; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Web_Server : in out HTTP; Dispatcher : Dispatchers.Handler'Class) is use type Net.SSL.Config; Max_Connection : constant Positive := CNF.Max_Connection (Web_Server.Properties); SC : Natural; function Security_Mode return Net.SSL.Method; -- Returns the server security mode, returns the default method if the -- current one is not recognized. ------------------- -- Security_Mode -- ------------------- function Security_Mode return Net.SSL.Method is begin return Net.SSL.Method'Value (CNF.Security_Mode (Web_Server.Properties)); exception when Constraint_Error => return Net.SSL.Method'Value (Default.Security_Mode); end Security_Mode; begin -- If it is an SSL connection, initialize the SSL library if CNF.Security (Web_Server.Properties) and then Web_Server.SSL_Config = Net.SSL.Null_Config then Net.SSL.Initialize (Web_Server.SSL_Config, CNF.Certificate (Web_Server.Properties), Security_Mode, Priorities => CNF.Cipher_Priorities (Web_Server.Properties), Ticket_Support => CNF.TLS_Ticket_Support (Web_Server.Properties), Key_Filename => CNF.Key (Web_Server.Properties), Exchange_Certificate => CNF.Exchange_Certificate (Web_Server.Properties), Certificate_Required => CNF.Certificate_Required (Web_Server.Properties), Trusted_CA_Filename => CNF.Trusted_CA (Web_Server.Properties), CRL_Filename => CNF.CRL_File (Web_Server.Properties), Session_Cache_Size => CNF.SSL_Session_Cache_Size (Web_Server.Properties)); end if; -- Create the Web Server socket set Net.Acceptors.Listen (Acceptor => Web_Server.Acceptor, Host => CNF.Server_Host (Web_Server.Properties), Port => CNF.Server_Port (Web_Server.Properties), Queue_Size => CNF.Accept_Queue_Size (Web_Server.Properties), Family => Net.Family_Type'Value (CNF.Protocol_Family (Web_Server.Properties)), Timeout => CNF.Cleaner_Wait_For_Client_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), First_Timeout => CNF.Cleaner_Client_Header_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Force_Timeout => CNF.Force_Wait_For_Client_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Force_First_Timeout => CNF.Force_Client_Header_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Force_Length => CNF.Keep_Alive_Force_Limit (Web_Server.Properties), Close_Length => CNF.Keep_Alive_Close_Limit (Web_Server.Properties), Reuse_Address => CNF.Reuse_Address (Web_Server.Properties), IPv6_Only => CNF.IPv6_Only (Web_Server.Properties)); -- Clone main dispatcher Web_Server.Dispatcher := new Dispatchers.Handler'Class' (Dispatchers.Handler'Class (Dispatcher.Clone)); -- Initialize slots Web_Server.Slots := new Slots (Max_Connection); -- Set timeouts Web_Server.Slots.Set_Timeouts ((Cleaner => -- Timeouts for Line_Cleaner (Wait_For_Client => CNF.Cleaner_Wait_For_Client_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Client_Header => CNF.Cleaner_Client_Header_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Client_Data => CNF.Cleaner_Client_Data_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Server_Response => CNF.Cleaner_Server_Response_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties)), Force => -- Force timeouts used when there is no free slot (Wait_For_Client => CNF.Force_Wait_For_Client_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Client_Header => CNF.Force_Client_Header_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Client_Data => CNF.Force_Client_Data_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Server_Response => CNF.Force_Server_Response_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties))), (Client_Data => CNF.Receive_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties), Server_Response => CNF.Send_Timeout (Web_Server.Properties))); -- Started time Web_Server.Start_Time := Calendar.Clock; -- Initialize the connection lines Web_Server.Lines := new Line_Set' (1 .. Max_Connection => new Line (Priority => CNF.Server_Priority (Web_Server.Properties), Stack_Size => CNF.Line_Stack_Size (Web_Server.Properties))); -- Set Shutdown to False here since it must be done before starting the -- lines. Web_Server.Shutdown := False; -- Start each connection lines for I in 1 .. Max_Connection loop Web_Server.Lines (I).Start (Web_Server, I); end loop; -- Initialize session server if CNF.Session (Web_Server.Properties) then AWS.Session.Control.Start (Session_Check_Interval => CNF.Session_Cleanup_Interval, Session_Lifetime => CNF.Session_Lifetime); end if; -- Initialize transient service Services.Transient_Pages.Control.Register (Transient_Check_Interval => CNF.Transient_Cleanup_Interval); Server_Counter.Increment (Value => SC); if SC = 1 then First_Server.all; end if; -- Activate log if requested if CNF.Log_Activated (Web_Server.Properties) then Log.Start (Web_Server, Split_Mode => AWS.Log.Split_Mode'Value (CNF.Log_Split_Mode (Web_Server.Properties))); end if; if CNF.Error_Log_Activated (Web_Server.Properties) then Log.Start_Error (Web_Server, Split_Mode => AWS.Log.Split_Mode'Value (CNF.Error_Log_Split_Mode (Web_Server.Properties))); end if; end Start; ---------- -- Wait -- ---------- procedure Wait (Mode : Termination := No_Server) is begin case Mode is when No_Server => Server_Counter.Zero; when Q_Key_Pressed => declare K : Character; begin loop Text_IO.Get_Immediate (K); exit when K = 'q' or else K = 'Q'; end loop; end; when Forever => loop delay Duration'Last; end loop; end case; end Wait; end AWS.Server;