------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ada Web Server -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2016, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- -- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- -- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any -- -- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be -- -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are -- -- granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library -- -- Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2012; -- There is two implementations for this spec. One for standard sockets and -- one for SSL socket. Note that the SSL implementation does support standard -- socket too, this is controlled with the Security boolean on rountine -- below. The corresponding implementation will be selected at build time. with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Finalization; with Ada.Streams; private with AWS.Utils; private with Interfaces.C; package AWS.Net is use Ada; use Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Streams; Socket_Error : exception; -- Raised by all routines below, a message will indicate the nature of -- the error. type Socket_Type is abstract new Finalization.Controlled with private; type Socket_Access is access all Socket_Type'Class; type Socket_Set is array (Positive range <>) of Socket_Access; subtype FD_Type is Integer; -- Represents an external socket file descriptor No_Socket : constant := -1; -- Represents closed socket file descriptor type Event_Type is (Error, Input, Output); -- Error - socket is in error state. -- Input - socket ready for read. -- Output - socket available for write. type Event_Set is array (Event_Type) of Boolean; -- Type for get result of events waiting subtype Wait_Event_Type is Event_Type range Input .. Output; type Wait_Event_Set is array (Wait_Event_Type) of Boolean; -- Type for set events to wait, note that Error event would be waited -- anyway. type Family_Type is (Family_Inet, Family_Inet6, Family_Unspec); type Shutmode_Type is (Shut_Read, Shut_Write, Shut_Read_Write); Forever : constant Duration; -- The longest delay possible on the implementation ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- function Socket (Security : Boolean) return Socket_Type'Class; -- Create an uninitialized socket function Socket (Security : Boolean) return not null access Socket_Type'Class; -- Create a dynamically allocated uninitialized socket procedure Bind (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Port : Natural; Host : String := ""; Reuse_Address : Boolean := False; IPv6_Only : Boolean := False; Family : Family_Type := Family_Unspec) is abstract; -- Create the server socket and bind it on the given port. -- Using 0 for the port will tell the OS to allocate a non-privileged -- free port. The port can be later retrieved using Get_Port on the -- bound socket. -- IPv6_Only has meaning only for Family = Family_Inet6 and mean that only -- IPv6 clients allowed to connect. procedure Listen (Socket : Socket_Type; Queue_Size : Positive := 5) is abstract; -- Set the queue size of the socket procedure Accept_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; New_Socket : in out Socket_Type) is abstract; -- Accept a connection on a socket. If it raises Socket_Error, all -- resources used by new_Socket have been released. -- There is not need to call Free or Shutdown. type Socket_Constructor is not null access function (Security : Boolean) return Socket_Type'Class; procedure Connect (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Host : String; Port : Positive; Wait : Boolean := True; Family : Family_Type := Family_Unspec) is abstract with Pre'Class => Host'Length > 0; -- Connect a socket on a given host/port. If Wait is True Connect will wait -- for the connection to be established for timeout seconds, specified by -- Set_Timeout routine. If Wait is False Connect will return immediately, -- not waiting for the connection to be establised. It is possible to wait -- for the Connection completion by calling Wait routine with Output set to -- True in Events parameter. procedure Socket_Pair (S1, S2 : out Socket_Type); -- Create 2 sockets and connect them together procedure Shutdown (Socket : Socket_Type; How : Shutmode_Type := Shut_Read_Write) is abstract; -- Shutdown the read, write or both side of the socket. -- If How is Both, close it. Does not raise Socket_Error if the socket is -- not connected or already shutdown. procedure Free (Socket : in out Socket_Access); -- Release memory associated with the socket -------- -- IO -- -------- procedure Send (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Data : Stream_Element_Array); -- Send Data chunk to the socket procedure Send (Sockets : Socket_Set; Data : Stream_Element_Array); -- Send Data to all sockets from the socket set. This call will ensure that -- the data are sent in priority to client waiting for reading. That is, -- slow connection for one sokcet should not delay the fast connections. -- Yet, this routine will return only when the data is sent to all sockets. procedure Send (Socket : Socket_Type; Data : Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is abstract; -- Try to place data to Socket's output buffer. If all data cannot be -- placed to the socket output buffer, Last will be lower than Data'Last, -- if no data has been placed into the output buffer, Last is set to -- Data'First - 1. If Data'First is equal to Stream_Element_Offset'First -- then constraint error is raised to follow advice in AI95-227. procedure Receive (Socket : Socket_Type; Data : out Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Stream_Element_Offset) is abstract; -- Read a chunk of data from the socket and set appropriate Last value. -- This call always returns some data and will wait for incoming data only -- if necessary. function Receive (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Max : Stream_Element_Count := 4096) return Stream_Element_Array; -- Read a chunk of data from the socket and returns it. This call always -- returns some data and will wait for incoming data only if necessary. function Pending (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Count is abstract; -- Returns the number of bytes which are available inside socket -- for immediate read. function Output_Space (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Offset; -- Returns the free space in output buffer in bytes. If OS could not -- provide such information, routine returns -1. function Output_Busy (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Offset; -- How many bytes in the send queue. If OS could not provide such -- information, routine returns -1. ------------ -- Others -- ------------ function Get_FD (Socket : Socket_Type) return FD_Type is abstract; -- Returns the file descriptor associated with the socket function Peer_Addr (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is abstract; -- Returns the peer name/address function Peer_Port (Socket : Socket_Type) return Positive is abstract; -- Returns the port of the peer socket function Get_Addr (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is abstract; -- Returns the name/address of the socket function Get_Port (Socket : Socket_Type) return Positive is abstract; -- Returns the port of the socket function Is_Any_Address (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean; -- Return true if the socket accepts connections on any of the hosts's -- network addresses. function Is_IPv6 (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean; function Is_Listening (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the socket has been marked to accept connections with -- listen. function IPv6_Available return Boolean; -- Returns True if IPv6 available in OS and in AWS socket implementation function Host_Name return String; -- Returns the running host name procedure Set_Send_Buffer_Size (Socket : Socket_Type; Size : Natural) is abstract; -- Set the internal socket send buffer size. -- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations. procedure Set_Receive_Buffer_Size (Socket : Socket_Type; Size : Natural) is abstract; -- Set the internal socket receive buffer size. -- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations. function Get_Send_Buffer_Size (Socket : Socket_Type) return Natural is abstract; -- Returns the internal socket send buffer size. -- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations. function Get_Receive_Buffer_Size (Socket : Socket_Type) return Natural is abstract; -- Returns the internal socket receive buffer size. -- Do not confuse with buffers for the AWS.Net.Buffered operations. function Cipher_Description (Socket : Socket_Type) return String; -- Returns cipher description on SSL implementation or empty string on -- plain socket. procedure Set_Blocking_Mode (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Blocking : Boolean); pragma Obsolescent ("Use Set_Timeout instead"); -- Set the blocking mode for the socket procedure Set_Timeout (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Timeout : Duration) with Inline; -- Sets the timeout for the socket read/write operations procedure Set_No_Delay (Socket : Socket_Type; Value : Boolean := True) is null; -- Set/clear TCP_NODELAY option on socket function Wait (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Events : Wait_Event_Set) return Event_Set; -- Waiting for Input/Output/Error events. -- Waiting time is defined by Set_Timeout. -- Empty event set in result mean that timeout occured. function Check (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Events : Wait_Event_Set) return Event_Set; -- Check for Input/Output/Error events availability. -- No wait for socket timeout. function Poll (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Events : Wait_Event_Set; Timeout : Duration) return Event_Set; -- Wait events on socket descriptor for specified Timeout function Errno (Socket : Socket_Type) return Integer is abstract; -- Returns and clears error state in socket function Is_Timeout (Socket : Socket_Type; E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean; -- Returns True if the message associated with the Exception_Occurence for -- a Socket_Error is a timeout. function Is_Timeout (E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean; -- As above but without Socket parameter function Is_Peer_Closed (Socket : Socket_Type; E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean; -- Returns True if the message associated with the Exception_Occurence for -- a Socket_Error is a "socket closed by peer". -------------------- -- Socket FD sets -- -------------------- type FD_Set (Size : Natural) is abstract tagged private; -- Abstract type for waiting of network events on group of sockets FD type FD_Set_Access is access all FD_Set'Class; function To_FD_Set (Socket : Socket_Type; Events : Wait_Event_Set; Size : Positive := 1) return FD_Set'Class; -- Create appropriate socket FD set and put Socket fd there procedure Add (FD_Set : in out FD_Set_Access; FD : FD_Type; Event : Wait_Event_Set); -- Add FD to the end of FD_Set procedure Free (FD_Set : in out FD_Set_Access) with Inline; -- Deallocate the socket FD set procedure Add (FD_Set : in out Net.FD_Set; FD : FD_Type; Event : Wait_Event_Set) is abstract; -- Add FD to the end of FD_Set procedure Replace (FD_Set : in out Net.FD_Set; Index : Positive; FD : FD_Type) is abstract with Pre'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set); -- Replaces the socket FD in FD_Set procedure Set_Mode (FD_Set : in out Net.FD_Set; Index : Positive; Mode : Wait_Event_Set) is abstract with Pre'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set); -- Sets the kind of network events to wait for procedure Set_Event (FD_Set : in out Net.FD_Set; Index : Positive; Event : Wait_Event_Type; Value : Boolean) is abstract with Pre'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set); function Copy (FD_Set : not null access Net.FD_Set; Size : Natural) return FD_Set_Access is abstract; -- Allocates and copy the given FD_Set with different size procedure Remove (FD_Set : in out Net.FD_Set; Index : Positive) is abstract with Pre'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set); -- Removes socket FD from Index position. -- Last socket FD in FD_Set is placed at position Index. function Length (FD_Set : Net.FD_Set) return Natural is abstract; -- Returns number of socket FD elements in FD_Set procedure Wait (FD_Set : in out Net.FD_Set; Timeout : Duration; Count : out Natural) is abstract with Post'Class => Count <= Length (FD_Set); -- Wait for network events on the sockets FD set. Count value is the -- number of socket FDs with non empty event set. procedure Next (FD_Set : Net.FD_Set; Index : in out Positive) is abstract with Pre'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set) + 1, Post'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set) + 1; -- Looking for an active (for which an event has been detected by routine -- Wait above) socket FD starting from Index and return Index of the found -- active socket FD. Use functions Status to retreive the kind of network -- events for this socket. function Status (FD_Set : Net.FD_Set; Index : Positive) return Event_Set is abstract with Pre'Class => Index <= Length (FD_Set); -- Returns events for the socket FD at position Index procedure Free (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is null; -- Release memory associated with the socket object. This default version -- can be overriden to properly release the memory for the derived -- implementation. The controlled Finalize routine is in charge of calling -- Free. We could not have it in the private part because we could not make -- AWS.Net.SSL.Free overriding this way. function Localhost (IPv6 : Boolean) return String; -- Returns "::1" if IPv6 is true or "" otherwise private type FD_Set (Size : Natural) is abstract tagged null record; procedure Wait_For (Mode : Wait_Event_Type; Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Timeout : Duration); -- Wait for a socket to be ready for input or output operation. -- Raises Socket_Error if an error or timeout occurs. procedure Wait_For (Mode : Wait_Event_Type; Socket : Socket_Type'Class); -- Idem, but use socket timeout -- This object is to cache data writed to the stream. It is more efficient -- than to write byte by byte on the stream. W_Cache_Size : constant := 2_048; -- This is write the cache size, when the cache is full W_Cache_Size -- bytes will be sent to the socket. This way we avoid flushing a single -- byte as this is not efficient at all with SSL sockets. R_Cache_Size : constant := 4_096; -- This is the read cache size, all data read on the socket are first put -- into a read cache, this makes reading char-by-char the socket more -- efficient. Before reading data, the write cache is flushed. Forever : constant Duration := Duration'Last; Peer_Closed_Message : constant String := "Receive : Socket closed by peer"; function Get_Socket_Errno (E : Exception_Occurrence) return Natural; -- Returns the errno recorded into the exception message type Read_Cache (Max_Size : Stream_Element_Count) is record Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Max_Size); First : Stream_Element_Offset := 1; Last : Stream_Element_Offset := 0; end record; type Read_Cache_Access is access Read_Cache; type Write_Cache (Max_Size : Stream_Element_Count) is record Buffer : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Max_Size); Last : Stream_Element_Offset := 0; end record; type Write_Cache_Access is access Write_Cache; type RW_Data is record Ref_Count : Utils.Counter (Initial_Value => 1); Listening : Boolean := False; -- True if a listening (server) socket R_Cache : Read_Cache_Access; W_Cache : Write_Cache_Access; Can_Wait : Boolean := False; -- Need for OpenSSL send in Mac OS Pack_Size : Stream_Element_Count := 2**15; -- Idem end record; type RW_Data_Access is access RW_Data; type Socket_Type is abstract new Finalization.Controlled with record C : RW_Data_Access; Timeout : Duration := Forever; end record; procedure Raise_Socket_Error (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Text : String) with No_Return; function Error_Message (Errno : Integer) return String; -- Returns the error message string for the error number Errno. If Errno is -- not known, returns "Unknown system error". -- Controlled primitives overriding procedure Initialize (Socket : in out Socket_Type); overriding procedure Adjust (Socket : in out Socket_Type); overriding procedure Finalize (Socket : in out Socket_Type); function Last_Index (First : Stream_Element_Offset; Count : Natural) return Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; -- Compute the Last OUT parameter for the various Send / Receive -- subprograms: returns First + Count - 1. -- When First = Stream_Element_Offset'First and Res = 0, Constraint_Error -- is raised. This is consistent with the semantics of stream operations -- as clarified in AI95-227. function IO_Control (Socket : Socket_Type; Code : Interfaces.C.int) return Stream_Element_Offset; -- This routine is necessary for both sockets implementations because -- GNAT.Sockets support only 2 control codes (at least in GNAT GPL 2013). end AWS.Net;