------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ada Web Server -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2020, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- -- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- -- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any -- -- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be -- -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are -- -- granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library -- -- Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Real_Time; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with AWS.Net.Log; with AWS.Net.Poll_Events; with AWS.Net.SSL; with AWS.Net.Std; with AWS.OS_Lib; with Interfaces.C.Strings; package body AWS.Net is Timeout_Token : constant String := " timeout "; --------- -- Add -- --------- procedure Add (FD_Set : in out FD_Set_Access; FD : FD_Type; Event : Wait_Event_Set) is Old_Set : FD_Set_Access; begin if Length (FD_Set.all) = FD_Set.Size then Old_Set := FD_Set; if FD_Set.Size < 256 then FD_Set := Copy (FD_Set, FD_Set.Size * 2); else FD_Set := Copy (FD_Set, FD_Set.Size + 256); end if; Free (Old_Set); end if; Add (FD_Set.all, FD, Event); end Add; ------------ -- Adjust -- ------------ overriding procedure Adjust (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is begin Socket.C.Ref_Count.Increment; end Adjust; ----------- -- Check -- ----------- function Check (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Events : Wait_Event_Set) return Event_Set is begin return Poll (Socket, Events, 0.0); end Check; ------------------------ -- Cipher_Description -- ------------------------ function Cipher_Description (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Socket); begin return ""; end Cipher_Description; ------------------- -- Error_Message -- ------------------- function Error_Message (Errno : Integer) return String is use Interfaces.C.Strings; Ptr : constant chars_ptr := OS_Lib.Socket_StrError (Errno); Code : constant String := '[' & Utils.Image (Errno) & "] "; begin if Ptr = Null_Ptr then return Code & "Unknown error"; else return Code & Value (Ptr); end if; end Error_Message; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (RW_Data, RW_Data_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Read_Cache, Read_Cache_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Write_Cache, Write_Cache_Access); Cache : RW_Data_Access := Socket.C; Ref_Count : Natural; begin -- Ensure call is idempotent Socket.C := null; if Cache /= null then Cache.Ref_Count.Decrement (Value => Ref_Count); if Ref_Count = 0 then Free (Socket_Type'Class (Socket)); Unchecked_Free (Cache.R_Cache); Unchecked_Free (Cache.W_Cache); Unchecked_Free (Cache); end if; end if; end Finalize; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Socket : in out Socket_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Socket_Type'Class, Socket_Access); begin Unchecked_Free (Socket); end Free; procedure Free (FD_Set : in out FD_Set_Access) is procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Net.FD_Set'Class, FD_Set_Access); begin Unchecked_Free (FD_Set); end Free; ---------------------- -- Get_Socket_Errno -- ---------------------- function Get_Socket_Errno (E : Exception_Occurrence) return Natural is M : constant String := Exception_Message (E); First, Last : Natural; Errno : Natural := 0; begin if Exception_Identity (E) = Net.Socket_Error'Identity or else Strings.Fixed.Index (Exception_Name (E), "CONNECTION_ERROR") /= 0 then First := M'First; -- Now check for the start of the message containing the errno First := Strings.Fixed.Index (M, "[", From => First); if First /= 0 then First := First + 1; Last := First; while Last < M'Last and then M (Last + 1) in '0' .. '9' loop Last := Last + 1; end loop; Errno := Natural'Value (M (First .. Last)); end if; end if; return Errno; end Get_Socket_Errno; --------------- -- Host_Name -- --------------- function Host_Name return String is begin return Net.Std.Host_Name; end Host_Name; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- overriding procedure Initialize (Socket : in out Socket_Type) is begin if Socket.C = null then Socket.C := new RW_Data; end if; end Initialize; ---------------- -- IO_Control -- ---------------- function IO_Control (Socket : Socket_Type; Code : Interfaces.C.int) return Stream_Element_Offset is use Interfaces; use type C.int; S : Socket_Type'Class renames Socket_Type'Class (Socket); Res : C.int; Arg : aliased C.int; begin Res := OS_Lib.C_Ioctl (C.int (S.Get_FD), Code, Arg'Unchecked_Access); if Res = -1 then S.Raise_Socket_Error (Error_Message (OS_Lib.Socket_Errno)); end if; return Stream_Element_Count (Arg); end IO_Control; -------------------- -- IPv6_Available -- -------------------- function IPv6_Available return Boolean is begin return Std.IPv6_Available; end IPv6_Available; -------------------- -- Is_Any_Address -- -------------------- function Is_Any_Address (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Socket); begin return False; end Is_Any_Address; ------------- -- Is_IPv6 -- ------------- function Is_IPv6 (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Socket); begin return False; end Is_IPv6; ------------------ -- Is_Listening -- ------------------ function Is_Listening (Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean is begin -- Do not use SO_ACCEPCONN socket option because Mac OS/X version 10.8 -- does not support it. Would be better to use SO_ACCEPTCONN instead of -- boolean flag when possible. return Socket.C.Listening; end Is_Listening; -------------------- -- Is_Peer_Closed -- -------------------- function Is_Peer_Closed (Socket : Socket_Type; E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Socket); begin return Exception_Message (E) = Peer_Closed_Message; end Is_Peer_Closed; ---------------- -- Is_Timeout -- ---------------- function Is_Timeout (Socket : Socket_Type; E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Socket); begin return Is_Timeout (E); end Is_Timeout; function Is_Timeout (E : Exception_Occurrence) return Boolean is begin return Strings.Fixed.Index (Exception_Message (E), Timeout_Token) > 0; end Is_Timeout; ---------------- -- Last_Index -- ---------------- function Last_Index (First : Stream_Element_Offset; Count : Natural) return Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset is begin if First = Stream_Element_Offset'First and then Count = 0 then raise Constraint_Error with "last index out of range (no element transferred)"; else return First + Stream_Element_Offset (Count - 1); end if; end Last_Index; --------------- -- Localhost -- --------------- function Localhost (IPv6 : Boolean) return String is begin if IPv6 then return "::1"; else return ""; end if; end Localhost; ----------------- -- Output_Busy -- ----------------- function Output_Busy (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Offset is -- Implementation not in the aws-net-std__ipv6 and aws-net-std__gnat.adb -- separately because GNAT.Sockets doesn't have appropriate Request_Type -- anyway, at least in GNAT GPL 2013. So, we avoid code duplication this -- way. We could easily make this routine abstract and split -- implementation between aws-net-std__ipv6 and aws-net-std__gnat.adb -- when GNAT.Sockets.Control_Socket get support it. begin pragma Warnings (Off, "*condition is always*"); if OS_Lib.FIONWRITE = -1 then return -1; else return Socket.IO_Control (OS_Lib.FIONWRITE); end if; pragma Warnings (On, "*condition is always*"); end Output_Busy; ------------------ -- Output_Space -- ------------------ function Output_Space (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Element_Offset is begin pragma Warnings (Off, "*condition is always*"); if OS_Lib.FIONSPACE /= -1 then return Socket.IO_Control (OS_Lib.FIONSPACE); elsif OS_Lib.FIONWRITE /= -1 then return Stream_Element_Offset'Max (Stream_Element_Offset (Socket_Type'Class (Socket).Get_Send_Buffer_Size) - Socket.IO_Control (OS_Lib.FIONWRITE), 0); else return -1; end if; pragma Warnings (On, "*condition is always*"); end Output_Space; ---------- -- Poll -- ---------- function Poll (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Events : Wait_Event_Set; Timeout : Duration) return Event_Set is Waiter : FD_Set'Class := To_FD_Set (Socket, Events); Dummy : Natural; begin Wait (Waiter, Timeout, Dummy); return Status (Waiter, 1); end Poll; ------------------------ -- Raise_Socket_Error -- ------------------------ procedure Raise_Socket_Error (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Text : String) is begin Log.Error (Socket, Text); raise Socket_Error with Text; end Raise_Socket_Error; ------------- -- Receive -- ------------- function Receive (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Max : Stream_Element_Count := 4096) return Stream_Element_Array is Result : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Max); Last : Stream_Element_Offset; begin Receive (Socket, Result, Last); return Result (1 .. Last); end Receive; ---------- -- Send -- ---------- procedure Send (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Data : Stream_Element_Array) is use Ada.Real_Time; Chunk_Size : constant := 100 * 1_024; Save : constant Boolean := Socket.C.Can_Wait; First : Stream_Element_Offset := Data'First; Chunk_Last : Stream_Element_Offset := Data'Last; Last : Stream_Element_Offset; Stamp : Time; begin Socket.C.Can_Wait := True; if Socket.Timeout = Forever then Stamp := Time_Last; elsif Socket.Timeout < 0.0 then Stamp := Clock; else begin Stamp := Clock + To_Time_Span (Socket.Timeout); exception when Constraint_Error => -- Too big Stamp := Time_Last; end; end if; loop Chunk_Last := Stream_Element_Offset'Min (Data'Last, First + Chunk_Size - 1); Send (Socket, Data (First .. Chunk_Last), Last); exit when Last = Data'Last; Wait_For (Output, Socket, Timeout => To_Duration (Stamp - Clock)); if Last < Data'Last then -- Otherwise First should be unchanged, because no data sent First := Last + 1; end if; end loop; Socket.C.Can_Wait := Save; exception when others => Socket.C.Can_Wait := Save; raise; end Send; procedure Send (Sockets : Socket_Set; Data : Stream_Element_Array) is Wait_Events : constant Wait_Event_Set := (Input => False, Output => True); Set : Poll_Events.Set (Sockets'Length); Socks : Socket_Set (1 .. Sockets'Length) := Sockets; Index : array (Sockets'Range) of Stream_Element_Offset := (others => 1); Last : Stream_Element_Offset; Count : Natural; Sock_Index : Positive; Chunk_Size : Stream_Element_Offset; begin -- First check if there is something to do if Sockets'Length = 0 then return; end if; -- Add all sockets into the poll for S of Sockets loop Set.Add (S.Get_FD, Wait_Events); end loop; -- Send data to available sockets loop Set.Wait (Forever, Count); Sock_Index := 1; for K in 1 .. Count loop Set.Next (Sock_Index); Chunk_Size := Socks (Sock_Index).Output_Space; if Chunk_Size = -1 then Chunk_Size := 100 * 1_024; end if; Last := Stream_Element_Offset'Min (Index (Sock_Index) + Chunk_Size, Data'Last); Socks (Sock_Index).Send (Data (Index (Sock_Index) .. Last)); Index (Sock_Index) := Last + 1; if Index (Sock_Index) > Data'Last then -- No more data for this socket. The Set.Remove on the socket -- set move the last socket in the set to the location of the -- removed one. Do the same for the local data to keep data -- consistency. -- -- Note that in this case we do not want to increment the -- socket index. The new loop will check the socket at the -- same position which is now the previous last in the set. if Sock_Index /= Set.Length then Socks (Sock_Index) := Socks (Set.Length); Index (Sock_Index) := Index (Set.Length); end if; Set.Remove (Sock_Index); else -- In this case, and only in this case we move to next socket -- position for next iteration. Sock_Index := Sock_Index + 1; end if; end loop; exit when Set.Length = 0; end loop; end Send; ----------------------- -- Set_Blocking_Mode -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Blocking_Mode (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Blocking : Boolean) is begin if Blocking then Set_Timeout (Socket_Type'Class (Socket), Forever); else Set_Timeout (Socket_Type'Class (Socket), 0.0); end if; end Set_Blocking_Mode; ----------------- -- Set_Timeout -- ----------------- procedure Set_Timeout (Socket : in out Socket_Type; Timeout : Duration) is begin Socket.Timeout := Timeout; end Set_Timeout; ------------ -- Socket -- ------------ function Socket (Security : Boolean) return Socket_Type'Class is begin if Security then declare Result : SSL.Socket_Type; begin return Result; end; else declare Result : Std.Socket_Type; begin return Result; end; end if; end Socket; function Socket (Security : Boolean) return not null access Socket_Type'Class is Result : constant not null Socket_Access := new Socket_Type'Class'(Socket (Security)); begin return Result; end Socket; ----------------- -- Socket_Pair -- ----------------- procedure Socket_Pair (S1, S2 : out Socket_Type) is Server : Std.Socket_Type; subtype STC is Socket_Type'Class; Local_Host : constant String := ""; begin Std.Bind (Server, Host => Local_Host, Port => 0); Std.Listen (Server); Connect (STC (S1), Host => Local_Host, Port => Std.Get_Port (Server)); Std.Set_Timeout (Server, 0.25); loop Accept_Socket (Server, New_Socket => STC (S2)); -- to be shure that it is S1 and S2 connected together exit when Peer_Addr (STC (S2)) = Local_Host and then Peer_Port (STC (S2)) = Get_Port (STC (S1)) and then Peer_Port (STC (S1)) = Get_Port (STC (S2)); Shutdown (STC (S2)); end loop; Std.Shutdown (Server); end Socket_Pair; --------------- -- To_FD_Set -- --------------- function To_FD_Set (Socket : Socket_Type; Events : Wait_Event_Set; Size : Positive := 1) return FD_Set'Class is Result : Poll_Events.Set (Size); begin Poll_Events.Add (Result, Get_FD (Socket_Type'Class (Socket)), Events); return Result; end To_FD_Set; ---------- -- Wait -- ---------- function Wait (Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Events : Wait_Event_Set) return Event_Set is begin return Poll (Socket, Events, Socket.Timeout); end Wait; -------------- -- Wait_For -- -------------- procedure Wait_For (Mode : Wait_Event_Type; Socket : Socket_Type'Class; Timeout : Duration) is Events : Wait_Event_Set := (others => False); Result : Event_Set; begin Events (Mode) := True; Result := Poll (Socket, Events, Timeout); if Result = Event_Set'(others => False) then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Wait_Event_Type'Image (Mode) & Timeout_Token & Utils.Significant_Image (Socket.Timeout, 2)); -- Can't use just Timeout in tests output because it can differ from -- stable Socket.Timeout value on Send operation. elsif Result = Event_Set'(Error => True, others => False) then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket, Wait_Event_Type'Image (Mode) & "_Wait error."); elsif not Result (Mode) then raise Program_Error; end if; end Wait_For; procedure Wait_For (Mode : Wait_Event_Type; Socket : Socket_Type'Class) is begin Wait_For (Mode, Socket, Socket.Timeout); end Wait_For; end AWS.Net;