------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ada Web Server -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2000-2014, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- -- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- -- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any -- -- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be -- -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are -- -- granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library -- -- Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_2012; with Ada.Calendar; with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Maps; with Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams; with GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO; package body AWS.Log is procedure Check_Split (Log : in out Object; Now : Ada.Calendar.Time); -- Split log file if necessary procedure Write_Callback (Log : in out Object; Data : in out Fields_Table); -- Write extended format record to log file and prepare record for the next -- data. It is not allowed to use same Fields_Table with different extended -- logs. procedure Write_File (Log : in out Object; Data : in out Fields_Table); -- Write extended format record to log file and prepare record for the next -- data. It is not allowed to use same Fields_Table with different extended -- logs. procedure Write_Log (Log : in out Object; Now : Calendar.Time; Data : String); -- Write data into the log file, change log file depending on the log file -- split mode and Now. function Get_Position (File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type) return Natural with Inline; -- Returns current write position in the text file ----------------- -- Check_Split -- ----------------- procedure Check_Split (Log : in out Object; Now : Ada.Calendar.Time) is Keep_Split : Split_Mode; begin if (Log.Split = Daily and then Log.Current_Tag /= Calendar.Day (Now)) or else (Log.Split = Monthly and then Log.Current_Tag /= Calendar.Month (Now)) then -- Could not call Stop, because Stop would write to log again and -- it cause unlimited recursion. Text_IO.Close (Log.File); Start (Log => Log, Split => Log.Split, Size_Limit => Log.Size_Limit, File_Directory => To_String (Log.File_Directory), Filename_Prefix => To_String (Log.Filename_Prefix), Auto_Flush => Log.Auto_Flush); elsif Log.Size_Limit > 0 and then Get_Position (Log.File) > Log.Size_Limit then Keep_Split := Log.Split; Text_IO.Close (Log.File); Start (Log => Log, Split => Each_Run, Size_Limit => Log.Size_Limit, File_Directory => To_String (Log.File_Directory), Filename_Prefix => To_String (Log.Filename_Prefix), Auto_Flush => Log.Auto_Flush); Log.Split := Keep_Split; end if; end Check_Split; -------------- -- Filename -- -------------- function Filename (Log : Object) return String is begin if Text_IO.Is_Open (Log.File) then return Text_IO.Name (Log.File); elsif Log.Writer /= null then return To_String (Log.Writer_Name); else return ""; end if; end Filename; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- overriding procedure Finalize (Log : in out Object) is begin Stop (Log); end Finalize; ----------- -- Flush -- ----------- procedure Flush (Log : in out Object) is use Text_IO; begin if Log.Writer /= null or else Log.Auto_Flush then return; end if; Log.Semaphore.Seize; if Is_Open (Log.File) then Flush (Log.File); end if; Log.Semaphore.Release; exception when others => Log.Semaphore.Release; raise; end Flush; ------------------ -- Get_Position -- ------------------ function Get_Position (File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type) return Natural is use Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams; begin return Natural (ICS.ftell (C_Stream (File))); end Get_Position; --------------- -- Is_Active -- --------------- function Is_Active (Log : Object) return Boolean is begin return Text_IO.Is_Open (Log.File) or else Log.Writer /= null; end Is_Active; ---------- -- Mode -- ---------- function Mode (Log : Object) return Split_Mode is begin return Log.Split; end Mode; -------------------- -- Register_Field -- -------------------- procedure Register_Field (Log : in out Object; Id : String) is Position : Strings_Positive.Cursor; Success : Boolean; begin Log.Extended_Fields.Insert (Id, Natural (Log.Extended_Fields.Length) + 1, Position, Success); end Register_Field; --------------- -- Set_Field -- --------------- procedure Set_Field (Log : Object; Data : in out Fields_Table; Id, Value : String) is Ext_Len : constant Natural := Natural (Log.Extended_Fields.Length); Data_Len : constant Natural := Natural (Data.Values.Length); begin if Ext_Len = 0 then return; end if; if Data_Len = 0 then -- Fields record is not initialized. We have to define fields set -- with empty "-" values. for J in 1 .. Ext_Len loop Data.Values.Append ("-"); end loop; elsif Data_Len /= Ext_Len then -- Looks like the record was used with different log file raise Constraint_Error; end if; declare CSN : constant Strings_Positive.Cursor := Log.Extended_Fields.Find (Id); begin if Value /= "" and then Strings_Positive.Has_Element (CSN) then Data.Values.Replace_Element (Strings_Positive.Element (CSN), Value); end if; end; end Set_Field; ----------------------- -- Set_Header_Fields -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Header_Fields (Log : Object; Data : in out Fields_Table; Prefix : String; Header : AWS.Headers.List) is procedure Process (Name, Value : String); ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Name, Value : String) is begin Set_Field (Log, Data, Prefix & '(' & Name & ')', AWS.Utils.Quote (Value, """""")); end Process; begin Header.Iterate_Names (", ", Process'Access); end Set_Header_Fields; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Log : in out Object; Split : Split_Mode := None; Size_Limit : Natural := 0; File_Directory : String := Not_Specified; Filename_Prefix : String := Not_Specified; Auto_Flush : Boolean := False) is function Get_Prefix return String; -- Returns the prefix to use for the log filename function Log_Prefix (Prefix : String) return String; -- Returns the prefix to be added before the log filename. The returned -- value is the executable name without directory and filetype if Prefix -- is Not_Specified otherwise Prefix is returned. Now : constant Calendar.Time := Calendar.Clock; ---------------- -- Get_Prefix -- ---------------- function Get_Prefix return String is begin if Split = None then return Utils.Normalized_Directory (File_Directory) & Log_Prefix (Filename_Prefix); else return Utils.Normalized_Directory (File_Directory) & Log_Prefix (Filename_Prefix) & '-' & GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image (Now, "%Y-%m-%d"); end if; end Get_Prefix; ---------------- -- Log_Prefix -- ---------------- function Log_Prefix (Prefix : String) return String is function Prog_Name return String; -- Return current program name --------------- -- Prog_Name -- --------------- function Prog_Name return String is Name : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name; First : Natural; Last : Natural; begin First := Strings.Fixed.Index (Name, Strings.Maps.To_Set ("/\"), Going => Strings.Backward); if First = 0 then First := Name'First; else First := First + 1; end if; Last := Strings.Fixed.Index (Name (First .. Name'Last), ".", Strings.Backward); if Last = 0 then Last := Name'Last; else Last := Last - 1; end if; return Name (First .. Last); end Prog_Name; begin if Prefix = Not_Specified then return ""; else declare K : constant Natural := Strings.Fixed.Index (Prefix, "@"); begin if K = 0 then return Prefix; else return Prefix (Prefix'First .. K - 1) & Prog_Name & Prefix (K + 1 .. Prefix'Last); end if; end; end if; end Log_Prefix; Prefix : constant String := Get_Prefix; Filename : Unbounded_String; Time_Part : String (1 .. 7); begin Log.Filename_Prefix := To_Unbounded_String (Filename_Prefix); Log.File_Directory := To_Unbounded_String (File_Directory); Log.Split := Split; Log.Size_Limit := Size_Limit; Log.Auto_Flush := Auto_Flush; Log.Header_Written := False; Log.Stop_Has_Been_Called := False; Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Prefix & ".log"); case Split is when None => null; when Each_Run => if Directories.Exists (To_String (Filename)) then Time_Part := GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image (Now, "-%H%M%S"); Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Prefix & Time_Part & ".log"); for K in 1 .. 99 loop exit when not Directories.Exists (To_String (Filename)); Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Prefix & Time_Part & '-' & Utils.Image (K) & ".log"); end loop; end if; when Daily => Log.Current_Tag := Ada.Calendar.Day (Now); when Monthly => Log.Current_Tag := Ada.Calendar.Month (Now); end case; Text_IO.Open (Log.File, Text_IO.Append_File, To_String (Filename)); exception when Text_IO.Name_Error => Text_IO.Create (Log.File, Text_IO.Out_File, To_String (Filename)); end Start; ----------- -- Start -- ----------- procedure Start (Log : in out Object; Writer : Callback; Name : String) is begin Log.Writer := Writer; Log.Writer_Name := To_Unbounded_String (Name); Log.Header_Written := False; Log.Stop_Has_Been_Called := False; end Start; ---------- -- Stop -- ---------- procedure Stop (Log : in out Object) is begin if not Log.Stop_Has_Been_Called then if Log.Writer = null then if Text_IO.Is_Open (Log.File) then Write (Log, "Stop logging."); Text_IO.Close (Log.File); end if; else Log.Writer ("Stop logging."); Log.Writer := null; end if; end if; Log.Stop_Has_Been_Called := True; end Stop; ----------- -- Write -- ----------- -- Here is the log format compatible with Apache: -- -- - - [25/Apr/1998:15:37:29 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 1363 -- -- See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/logs.html procedure Write (Log : in out Object; Connect_Stat : Status.Data; Answer : Response.Data) is begin Write (Log, Connect_Stat, Response.Status_Code (Answer), Response.Content_Length (Answer)); end Write; procedure Write (Log : in out Object; Connect_Stat : Status.Data; Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code; Content_Length : Response.Content_Length_Type) is use type Response.Content_Length_Type; function Length_Image return String is (if Content_Length = Response.Undefined_Length then "" else Utils.Image (Content_Length)) with Inline; begin Write (Log, Connect_Stat, Messages.Image (Status_Code) & ' ' & Length_Image); end Write; procedure Write (Log : in out Object; Connect_Stat : Status.Data; Data : String) is Now : constant Calendar.Time := Calendar.Clock; function Authorization_Name return String with Inline; ------------------------ -- Authorization_Name -- ------------------------ function Authorization_Name return String is Result : constant String := Status.Authorization_Name (Connect_Stat); begin if Result = "" then return "-"; else return Result; end if; end Authorization_Name; Log_Message : constant String := AWS.Status.Peername (Connect_Stat) & " - " & Authorization_Name & " [" & GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image (Now, "%d/%b/%Y:%T") & "] """ & Status.Method (Connect_Stat) & ' ' & Status.URI (Connect_Stat) & " " & Status.HTTP_Version (Connect_Stat) & """ " & Data; begin if Log.Writer = null then Write_Log (Log, Now, Log_Message); else Log.Writer (Log_Message); end if; end Write; procedure Write (Log : in out Object; Data : String) is Now : constant Calendar.Time := Calendar.Clock; Log_Message : constant String := "[" & GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO.Image (Now, "%d/%b/%Y:%T") & "] " & Data; begin if Log.Writer = null then Write_Log (Log, Now, Log_Message); else Log.Writer (Log_Message); end if; end Write; -- Here is the extended log format: -- -- #Version: 1.0 -- #Date: 12-Jan-1996 00:00:00 -- #Fields: time cs-method cs-uri -- 00:34:23 GET /foo/bar.html procedure Write (Log : in out Object; Data : in out Fields_Table) is begin if Log.Writer = null then Write_File (Log, Data); else Write_Callback (Log, Data); end if; end Write; ---------------------- -- Write_Callback -- ---------------------- procedure Write_Callback (Log : in out Object; Data : in out Fields_Table) is use GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO; Length : constant Natural := Natural (Log.Extended_Fields.Length); Message : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; Now : Ada.Calendar.Time; procedure Write_And_Clear (Position : SV.Cursor); --------------------- -- Write_And_Clear -- --------------------- procedure Write_And_Clear (Position : SV.Cursor) is begin Utils.Append_With_Sep (Message, SV.Element (Position), Sep => " "); Data.Values.Replace_Element (Position, "-"); end Write_And_Clear; begin if Length = 0 then -- It is not extended log return; end if; Now := Ada.Calendar.Clock; if not Log.Header_Written then Log.Header_Written := True; Log.Writer ("#Software: AWS (Ada Web Server) v" & Version); Log.Writer ("#Date: " & Image (Now, ISO_Date & " %T")); Log.Writer ("#Fields:"); declare Fields : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; Order : array (1 .. Length) of Strings_Positive.Cursor; procedure Process (Position : Strings_Positive.Cursor); ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Position : Strings_Positive.Cursor) is begin Order (Strings_Positive.Element (Position)) := Position; end Process; begin Log.Extended_Fields.Iterate (Process'Access); for J in Order'Range loop Append (Fields, ' ' & Strings_Positive.Key (Order (J))); end loop; Log.Writer (To_String (Fields)); end; end if; -- Set date and time fields if the used does not fill it declare CSN : Strings_Positive.Cursor := Log.Extended_Fields.Find ("date"); P : Positive; begin if Strings_Positive.Has_Element (CSN) then P := Strings_Positive.Element (CSN); if Data.Values.Element (P) = "-" then Data.Values.Replace_Element (P, Image (Now, ISO_Date)); end if; end if; CSN := Log.Extended_Fields.Find ("time"); if Strings_Positive.Has_Element (CSN) then P := Strings_Positive.Element (CSN); if Data.Values.Element (P) = "-" then Data.Values.Replace_Element (P, Image (Now, "%T")); end if; end if; end; Data.Values.Iterate (Write_And_Clear'Access); Log.Writer (To_String (Message)); end Write_Callback; ------------------ -- Write_File -- ------------------ procedure Write_File (Log : in out Object; Data : in out Fields_Table) is use GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO; Length : constant Natural := Natural (Log.Extended_Fields.Length); Now : Ada.Calendar.Time; First_Field : Boolean := True; procedure Write_And_Clear (Position : SV.Cursor); --------------------- -- Write_And_Clear -- --------------------- procedure Write_And_Clear (Position : SV.Cursor) is begin if First_Field then First_Field := False; Text_IO.Put (Log.File, SV.Element (Position)); else Text_IO.Put (Log.File, ' ' & SV.Element (Position)); end if; Data.Values.Replace_Element (Position, "-"); end Write_And_Clear; begin if Length = 0 then -- It is not extended log return; end if; Log.Semaphore.Seize; if Text_IO.Is_Open (Log.File) then Now := Ada.Calendar.Clock; Check_Split (Log, Now); if not Log.Header_Written then Log.Header_Written := True; Text_IO.Put_Line (Log.File, "#Version: 1.0"); Text_IO.Put_Line (Log.File, "#Software: AWS (Ada Web Server) v" & Version); Text_IO.Put_Line (Log.File, "#Date: " & Image (Now, ISO_Date & " %T")); Text_IO.Put (Log.File, "#Fields:"); declare Order : array (1 .. Length) of Strings_Positive.Cursor; procedure Process (Position : Strings_Positive.Cursor); ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Position : Strings_Positive.Cursor) is begin Order (Strings_Positive.Element (Position)) := Position; end Process; begin Log.Extended_Fields.Iterate (Process'Access); for J in Order'Range loop Text_IO.Put (Log.File, ' ' & Strings_Positive.Key (Order (J))); end loop; Text_IO.New_Line (Log.File); end; end if; -- Set date and time fields if the used does not fill it declare CSN : Strings_Positive.Cursor := Log.Extended_Fields.Find ("date"); P : Positive; begin if Strings_Positive.Has_Element (CSN) then P := Strings_Positive.Element (CSN); if Data.Values.Element (P) = "-" then Data.Values.Replace_Element (P, Image (Now, ISO_Date)); end if; end if; CSN := Log.Extended_Fields.Find ("time"); if Strings_Positive.Has_Element (CSN) then P := Strings_Positive.Element (CSN); if Data.Values.Element (P) = "-" then Data.Values.Replace_Element (P, Image (Now, "%T")); end if; end if; end; Data.Values.Iterate (Write_And_Clear'Access); Text_IO.New_Line (Log.File); if Log.Auto_Flush then Text_IO.Flush (Log.File); end if; end if; Log.Semaphore.Release; exception when others => Log.Semaphore.Release; raise; end Write_File; --------------- -- Write_Log -- --------------- procedure Write_Log (Log : in out Object; Now : Calendar.Time; Data : String) is begin Log.Semaphore.Seize; if Text_IO.Is_Open (Log.File) then Check_Split (Log, Now); Text_IO.Put_Line (Log.File, Data); if Log.Auto_Flush then Text_IO.Flush (Log.File); end if; end if; Log.Semaphore.Release; exception when others => Log.Semaphore.Release; raise; end Write_Log; end AWS.Log;