NuGet Local Package Feed

../  1475Nov 3 11:17:30 2023
README.txt  1460Nov 3 11:17:30 2023
hidsharp/  512Sep 18 08:49:47 2020
libremoteio-templates/  512Jun 17 14:53:58 2024
libremoteio/  512Jun 13 09:52:43 2024
libsimpleio-templates/  512Jun 17 14:53:58 2024
libsimpleio/  512Jun 15 18:40:12 2024

Here is a local snapshot of the NuGet packages necessary to build .Net applications using the Linux Simple I/O Library or the Remote I/O Protocol Library without Internet access.

In order to use this local package feed, you will need to manually add an entry to the packageSources block in the file NuGet.Config (found at $HOME/.config/NuGet/NuGet.Config on Linux or %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\NuGet.Config on Windows). You should also comment out the entry for, especially if you need to build .Net applications offline from the Internet.

Windows Example NuGet.Config:

    <!-- <add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" /> -->
    <add key="libsimpleio local feed" value="C:\Users\fred\libsimpleio\nuget\" />

Linux Example NuGet.Config:

    <!-- <add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" /> -->
    <add key="libsimpleio local feed" value="/usr/local/share/libsimpleio/nuget/" />

Questions or comments to Philip Munts