libsimpleio is an attempt to encapsulate (as much as possible) the ugliness of Linux I/O device access. It provides services for the following types of I/O devices:
Although libsimpleio was originally intended for Linux microcomputers such as the Raspberry Pi, it can also be useful on larger desktop Linux systems.
The C wrapper functions exported by libsimpleio all follow the same uniform pattern:
All of the C wrapper functions are declared between _BEGIN_STD_C and _END_STD_C for C++. Additional source code libraries are provided for Ada, C++, C#, Free Pascal, Modula-2, and Python that define OOP (Object Oriented Programming) thick binding classes for libsimpleio.
The user manual for libsimpleio is available at UserManual.pdf. Installation instructions are on pages 6 and 7.
The man pages specifying the libsimpleio API are available at libsimpleio.html.
The libsimpleio source code tree is available at:
Use the following command to clone it:
git clone
Prebuilt libsimpleio packages for Debian Linux are available at:
The Munts Technologies Alire crate index fork is available at:
Use the following command to reference it:
alr index --add git+ --name pmunts --before community
dotnet new install libremoteio-templates dotnet new csharp_console_libremoteio -o myprogramOr
dotnet new install libsimpleio-templates dotnet new csharp_console_libsimpleio -o myprogram