ARM Mbed OS Application Framework

README.txt  2012Apr 4 02:00:33 2019
common/  512Jun 17 15:02:39 2020
examples/  512Jun 20 15:23:28 2020
include/  512Jun 20 15:23:28 2020
package.debian/  512Jun 20 16:36:41 2020
scripts/  512Jul 29 03:04:30 2019

This is a command line make framework for building ARM Mbed OS applications using the ARM Mbed OS Offline CLI libraries.

Normally when you create ARM Mbed OS CLI projects, you have to checkout the full ARM Mbed OS CLI distribution (590 MB!) into each project directory. This seems insane to me, particularly if you are using your own source control system. So this framework relies on a single, shared ARM Mbed OS CLI distribution installed at /usr/local/lib/mbedos/.

A Debian package (mbedos) that installs a copy of the ARM Mbed OS CLI checkout to /usr/local/lib/mbedos/ is available at:

This framework relies on the GNU ARM Embedded C/C++ toolchain, which is available at:

The GNU ARM Embedded toolchain tarball must be unpacked to /usr/local/gcc-arm-none-eabi/

Each project Makefile must include include/ The prepare.done target in creates symbolic links to the necessary items under /usr/local/lib/mbedos/. After that the compile.done target issues the mbed compile command to build the project. Finally, the mbedos_mk_reallyclean target removes all working files and the symbolic links.

Questions or comments to Philip Munts

I am available for custom system development (hardware and software) of products using ARM or other microcontrollers.