------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Customized for the Mikroelektronika STM32 M4 Mini board pragma Ada_2012; -- To work around pre-commit check? pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code); -- This initialization procedure mainly initializes the PLLs and -- all derived clocks. For now it also initializes the first USART. -- To be moved to s-textio, but needs clock info ??? with System.STM32F4; use System.STM32F4; with System.STM32F4.RCC; with System.BB.Parameters; use System.BB.Parameters; procedure Setup_Pll is -- Local Subprograms package RCC renames System.STM32F4.RCC; function "and" (Left, Right : Word) return Boolean is ((Left and Right) /= 0); procedure Reset (Register : in out Word; Mask : Word); procedure Set (Register : in out Word; Mask : Word); procedure Initialize_Clocks; procedure Reset_Clocks; ------------------------------ -- Clock Tree Configuration -- ------------------------------ HSE_Enabled : constant := 1; -- use high-speed ext. clock HSE_Bypass : constant := 0; -- don't bypass ext. resonator LSI_Enabled : constant := 0; -- use low-speed internal clock Activate_PLL : constant := 1; Activate_PLLI2S : constant := 0; pragma Assert ((if Activate_PLL /= 0 then HSE_Enabled /= 0), "PLL only supported with external clock"); pragma Assert (Activate_PLLI2S = 0, "not yet implemented"); ----------- -- Reset -- ----------- procedure Reset (Register : in out Word; Mask : Word) is begin Register := Register and not Mask; end Reset; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (Register : in out Word; Mask : Word) is begin Register := Register or Mask; end Set; ----------------------- -- Initialize_Clocks -- ----------------------- procedure Initialize_Clocks is HSECLK : constant Integer := Integer (HSE_Clock (MCU_ID.DEV_ID)); ------------------------------- -- Compute Clock Frequencies -- ------------------------------- PLLP_Value : constant RCC.PLLP_Range := 2; -- Arbitrary fixed to a convenient value PLLM_Value : constant Integer := HSECLK / 1_000_000; PLLCLKIN : constant Integer := HSECLK / PLLM_Value; -- First divider M is set to produce a 1Mhz clock PLLN_Value : constant Integer := (PLLP_Value * Clock_Frequency) / PLLCLKIN; -- Compute M to to generate the required frequency PLLVC0 : constant Integer := PLLCLKIN * PLLN_Value; PLLCLKOUT : constant Integer := PLLVC0 / PLLP_Value; PLLQ_Value : constant RCC.PLLQ_Range := 7; -- Arbitrary fixed PLLM : constant Word := Word (PLLM_Value); PLLN : constant Word := Word (PLLN_Value * 2**6); PLLP : constant Word := Word ((PLLP_Value / 2 - 1) * 2**16); PLLQ : constant Word := Word (PLLQ_Value * 2**24); SW : constant := (if Activate_PLL /= 0 then RCC.CFGR.SW_PLL else RCC.CFGR.SW_HSI); SYSCLK : constant Integer := (if Activate_PLL /= 0 then PLLCLKOUT else RCC.HSICLK); HCLK : constant Integer := (case AHB_PRE is when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV1 => SYSCLK / 1, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV2 => SYSCLK / 2, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV4 => SYSCLK / 4, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV8 => SYSCLK / 8, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV16 => SYSCLK / 16, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV64 => SYSCLK / 64, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV128 => SYSCLK / 128, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV256 => SYSCLK / 256, when RCC.CFGR.AHBPRE_DIV512 => SYSCLK / 512); PCLK1 : constant Integer := (case APB1_PRE is when RCC.CFGR.APB1PRE_DIV1 => HCLK / 1, when RCC.CFGR.APB1PRE_DIV2 => HCLK / 2, when RCC.CFGR.APB1PRE_DIV4 => HCLK / 4, when RCC.CFGR.APB1PRE_DIV8 => HCLK / 8, when RCC.CFGR.APB1PRE_DIV16 => HCLK / 16); PCLK2 : constant Integer := (case APB2_PRE is when RCC.CFGR.APB2PRE_DIV1 => HCLK / 1, when RCC.CFGR.APB2PRE_DIV2 => HCLK / 2, when RCC.CFGR.APB2PRE_DIV4 => HCLK / 4, when RCC.CFGR.APB2PRE_DIV8 => HCLK / 8, when RCC.CFGR.APB2PRE_DIV16 => HCLK / 16); AHB_PRE_Rep : constant Word := Word (RCC.CFGR.AHB_PRE_Value'Enum_Rep (AHB_PRE)); APB1_PRE_Rep : constant Word := Word (RCC.CFGR.APB1_PRE_Value'Enum_Rep (APB1_PRE)); APB2_PRE_Rep : constant Word := Word (RCC.CFGR.APB2_PRE_Value'Enum_Rep (APB2_PRE)); begin -- Check configuration if PLLCLKIN not in RCC.PLLIN_Range or else PLLVC0 not in RCC.PLLVC0_Range or else PLLCLKOUT not in RCC.PLLOUT_Range then raise Program_Error with "Invalid clock configuration"; end if; if SYSCLK /= Clock_Frequency then raise Program_Error with "Cannot generate requested clock"; end if; if HCLK not in RCC.HCLK_Range or else PCLK1 not in RCC.PCLK1_Range or else PCLK2 not in RCC.PCLK2_Range then raise Program_Error with "Invalid AHB/APB prescalers configuration"; end if; -- PWR clock enable -- Reset the power interface RCC.Registers.APB1ENR := RCC.RCC_APB1ENR_PWR; -- PWR initialization -- Select higher supply power for stable operation at max. freq. PWR.CR := PWR_CR_VOS_HIGH_407; -- Setup internal clock and wait for HSI stabilisation. -- The internal high speed clock is always enabled, because it is the -- fallback clock when the PLL fails. RCC.Registers.CR := RCC.Registers.CR or RCC.CR.HSION; loop exit when RCC.Registers.CR and RCC.CR.HSIRDY; end loop; -- Configure high-speed external clock, if enabled if Boolean'Val (HSE_Enabled) then RCC.Registers.CR := RCC.Registers.CR or RCC.CR.HSEON or (if Boolean'Val (HSE_Bypass) then RCC.CR.HSEBYP else 0); loop exit when RCC.Registers.CR and RCC.CR.HSERDY; end loop; end if; -- Configure low-speed internal clock if enabled if Boolean'Val (LSI_Enabled) then RCC.Registers.CSR := RCC.Registers.CSR or RCC.CSR.LSION; loop exit when RCC.Registers.CSR and RCC.CSR.LSIRDY; end loop; end if; -- Activate PLL if enabled if Boolean'Val (Activate_PLL) then RCC.Registers.PLLCFGR := RCC.PLLSRC_HSE or PLLQ or PLLP or PLLN or PLLM; Set (RCC.Registers.CR, RCC.CR.PLLON); loop exit when RCC.Registers.CR and RCC.CR.PLLRDY; end loop; end if; -- Configure flash -- Must be done before increasing the frequency, otherwise the CPU -- won't be able to fetch new instructions. FLASH.ACR := FLASH_ACR.LATENCY_5WS or FLASH_ACR.ICEN or FLASH_ACR.DCEN or FLASH_ACR.PRFTEN; -- Configure derived clocks RCC.Registers.CFGR := -- AHB prescaler is 1, APB1 uses 4 and APB2 prescaler is 2 AHB_PRE_Rep or APB1_PRE_Rep or APB2_PRE_Rep or -- Configure MC01 pin to have the HSI (high speed internal clock) RCC.CFGR.MCO1PRE_DIV1 or RCC.CFGR.MCO1SEL_HSI or -- Configure MCO2 pin to have SYSCLK / 5 RCC.CFGR.MCO2PRE_DIV5 or RCC.CFGR.MCO2SEL_SYSCLK or -- Select system clock source SW; if Boolean'Val (Activate_PLL) then loop exit when (RCC.Registers.CFGR and (RCC.CFGR.SWS_HSE or RCC.CFGR.SWS_PLL)) = RCC.CFGR.SWS_PLL; end loop; -- Wait until voltage supply scaling has completed loop exit when PWR.CSR and PWR_CSR_VOSRDY; end loop; end if; end Initialize_Clocks; ------------------ -- Reset_Clocks -- ------------------ procedure Reset_Clocks is begin -- Switch on high speed internal clock Set (RCC.Registers.CR, RCC.CR.HSION); -- Reset CFGR regiser RCC.Registers.CFGR := 0; -- Reset HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits Reset (RCC.Registers.CR, RCC.CR.HSEON or RCC.CR.CSSON or RCC.CR.PLLON); -- Reset PLL configuration register RCC.Registers.PLLCFGR := 16#2400_3010#; -- Reset HSE bypass bit Reset (RCC.Registers.CR, RCC.CR.HSEBYP); -- Disable all interrupts RCC.Registers.CIR := 0; end Reset_Clocks; begin Reset_Clocks; Initialize_Clocks; end Setup_Pll;